When you share your commitment to the American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA) in your estate or financial plan, you become an honored member of our APDA Legacy Society. The Legacy Society recognizes and honors all individuals who provide support for APDA in their wills, trusts, life income gifts, retirement plans, life insurance designations, and other planned gifts.  By becoming a member of the APDA Legacy Society, you will help ensure that APDA’s work continues until our mission is accomplished to continue our urgent fight against this disease.

To become an APDA Legacy Society member, please complete this confidential form for your Estate Gift and return to the Office of Planned Giving. The letter of intent will serve as documentation, notifying APDA that an estate gift has been arranged and that it's used the way you want it to be used.

We are happy to provide you with bequest language to include in your estate plans or to discuss planned giving options that may be of interest to you. If you have already included APDA, in your estate plan, please let us know by completing the Letter of Intent so we can thank you for your generosity and enroll you as our newest APDA Legacy Society Member.


APDA Legacy Society Members:

Mary E. Allen

Neil Barents

Donald & Nikkie Brandborg

David Butler

Leslie Chambers

Kenneth J. Clervi

Charles E. Fishburn, Jr. & Emma Marie Fishburn

Robert E. Gunther

Nancy B. Hunter

Barbara Kinkade

Catherine M. Kiscadden

George & Ruth Krock, in memory of Janet R. Quist

Helmut Leeser

Marty & Kimberly Moseley

Elke Muller

Stephanie Paul

Robert & Rebecca Preston

Adaline Stone

Elizabeth F. Stone

John E. Taylor Trust, "In memory of Martha Dalle"

Betty Lou Tolbert

Warf Family

Ivan Huntman